Useful Things | May 26, 2019
Dear Readers,
For those in/from the United States, we hope you’re enjoying the Memorial Day weekend!
We also hope you enjoy the links and resources below. If you have a friend who might appreciate these emails, please forward this to them and spread the joy. : )
If you haven’t already, connect with us on Facebook and Twitter for more news, info, and resources.
As always, if you have questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at
You can check out last week’s edition here.
Chris Reese
Managing Editor
“There are an estimated 350,000 religious congregations in the United States, and a ‘vast majority . . . serve in some capacity as a community safety net for those in need.’ Together with faith-based organizations, congregations help over 70 million Americans each year, fueled by a staggering $20 billion in donations. One key service is feeding the millions who are struggling with poverty and limited access to food. Over 60 percent of the 46,000 agencies working with food banks nationwide are faith-based organizations. Simply put, America would starve if the church vanished.”
— Jeremiah J. Johnston, Unimaginable: What Our World Would Be Like Without Christianity (Grand Rapids: Baker Publishing Group), 152. Footnotes omitted.
How legal issues make it to the Supreme Court
I'm pro-life. That means protecting the unborn from abortion and also caring for women
FAA Investigating 2 Airports For Religious Discrimination After Booting Chick-Fil-A
HHS announces more conscience protections
A “Churchillian” Critique of the Cultural Left
[Australia’s Mark Latham is the former head of the Labour party and an avowed non-Christian humanist, so he has impeccable progressive credentials. But he has become appalled by the excesses of the cultural left. . . . His introductory speech excoriating Australia’s culture of political correctness has been described as “Churchillian” and the “most outstanding political speech I’ve ever read.”']
1 in 10 Young Protestants Have Left a Church Over Abuse
What Went Wrong With the 90’s “Purity Culture?”
Megachurch founder James MacDonald allegedly sought murder for hire, police investigating
Scientism and Its Cultural impact: Book Review of Scientism and Secularism by J. P. Moreland [reviewed by Angus Menuge]
Is the “New Perspective on Paul” a Product of Our Current Cultural Moment?
Batman: World’s Greatest…Atheist?
Small Funny Things: The Subversive Gift of Tim Conway
eBook and Audiobook Deals
Note: These deals were valid at the time this message was written, but prices may change without notice.
20 Compelling Evidences That God Exists: Discover Why Believing in God Makes So Much Sense by Ken Boa and Robert Bowman Jr. - $0.79
Understanding the Faith: A Survey of Christian Apologetics (Understanding the Times) by Jeff Myers - $0.99
The Case for Jesus: The Biblical and Historical Evidence for Christ by Brant Pitre - $4.99
Apologetics Study Bible for Students edited by Sean McDowell - $2.99
How to Be a Christian in a Brave New World by Joni Eareckson Tada and Nigel M. de S. Cameron - $0.99
Deals from Last Week’s Newsletter (still on sale)
Lost Treasures of the Bible: Understanding the Bible through Archaeological Artifacts in World Museums by Clyde Fant and Mitchell Reddish - $1.99
The Creator Revealed: A Physicist Examines the Big Bang and the Bible by Michael G. Strauss - $2.40
Forensic Faith: A Homicide Detective Makes the Case for a More Reasonable, Evidential Christian Faith by J. Warner Wallace - $2.41
Star Struck: Seeing the Creator in the Wonders of Our Cosmos by David Hart Bradstreet - $2.99
Signature in the Cell: DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design by Stephen Meyer - $1.99
On Guard: Defending Your Faith with Reason and Precision by William Lane Craig - $1.99
How to Read the Bible Book by Book: A Guided Tour by Gordon Fee and Douglas Stuart - $3.99
The Case for...Student Collection: A Journalist’s Personal Investigation of the Christian Faith (Case for … Series for Students) by Lee Strobel - $2.99
Christianity: The Biography: 2000 Years of Global History by Ian J. Shaw - $3.99
What If Jesus Had Never Been Born by D. James Kennedy and Jerry Newcombe - $3.49
The Faith of Christopher Hitchens: The Restless Soul of the World's Most Notorious Atheist by Larry Taunton - $3.99
A Little Book for New Bible Scholars by E. Randolph Richards - $2.99
The Reformation by Diarmaid MacCulloch - $5.49
J.R.R. Tolkien: A Biography by Humphrey Carpenter - $2.99
[We at the Worldview Bulletin have no connection with Chirp, but if you sign up for a free account, you can get some great deals on audiobooks, including the ones listed below.]
The Screwtape Letters by C. S. Lewis - $3.99
The Ball and the Cross by G. K. Chesterton - $2.99
Logos Bible Software
If you’re a Logos Bible software user, be sure to take advantage of their Free Book of the Month for May, which is I. Howard Marshall’s Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Pastoral Epistles. This deal ends at the end of May.
For an additional $5.00, you can pick up two other commentaries in the series (Acts vols. 1 and 2), which run around $60 each if you purchase them in paperback.
Logos 8 Basic is available as a free download. Logos offers a free book each month, many of which are high-quality reference works.
Does scripture forbid gay relationships? Steve Chalke vs Andrew Wilson
Carson and Kruger | Persistent Myths about the New Testament
J. P. Moreland and J. Richard Middleton, Symposium on the Intermediate State
Darrell Bock, From Jesus to Adam: Working Backwards on a Theological Problem
Stephen C. Meyer on The Ben Shapiro Show Sunday Special
Luke Barnes - Life in the Cosmos
Paul Gould on Conscience, Justice, Morality and the College Admissions Scandal (CRI Podcast)
Atheist Says to Stop Debating (Reasonable Faith Podcast)
Why These Books in the New Testament? (Apologetics Canada)
Adam Smith (5 Minutes in Church History)
[How does theology relate to the economy? On this episode of 5 Minutes in Church History, Dr. Stephen Nichols looks at the life and thought of Adam Smith, Scottish Presbyterian and founder of modern economics.]
Religious Fictionalism: Can you be a believer who doesn’t believe? Kristi Mair and Philip Goff (Unbelievable Radio Show)
[“Philip Goff attends church even though he doesn’t believe in the doctrines of Christianity. He calls himself a ‘religious fictionalist’, believing that the practise of faith is more important than believing in supernatural claims.
“Kristi Mair, author of the new book ‘More Truth: Searching for Certainty in an Uncertain World’ (IVP) and a speaker at this year’s Unbelievable? conference, engages with Philip’s approach to faith and whether you can really be a believer who doesn’t believe.”]
If you enjoy these emails from the Worldview Bulletin, you’ll love the original articles, interviews, new book announcements, and other features available exclusively to subscribers.
Our June issue will feature:
Part two of Paul Copan’s popular article Apatheism and the Unexamined Life
Paul Gould on the modern quest for authenticity
An interview with Tremper Longman on his new book Confronting Old Testament Controversies
Tawa Anderson on the ongoing relevance of worldview thinking
Plus new books in worldview and apologetics, conference info, and other indispensable bundles of goodness!
Free Download: Cultural Apologetics
Check out this free excerpt from Paul Gould’s new book Cultural Apologetics: Renewing the Christian Voice, Conscience, and Imagination in a Disenchanted World.
Cultural Apologetics sets forth a fresh model for cultural engagement, rooted in the biblical account of Paul's speech on Mars Hill, which details practical steps for reestablishing the Christian voice, conscience, and imagination.
With creative insights, Cultural Apologetics prepares readers to share a vision of the Christian faith that is both plausible and desirable, offering clarity for those who have become disoriented in the haze of modern Western culture.
Free Download: The Dictionary of Christianity and Science
If you haven’t already, download a free, 20-page excerpt of the Dictionary of Christianity and Science, edited by Paul Copan and Christopher Reese, along with Tremper Longman III and Michael Strauss.
The Dictionary features over 140 evangelical contributors and 450 entries on key concepts, theories, terms, movements, individuals, and debates in relation to Christianity and science.