This is an excellent article. I very much enjoyed reading this.

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Thanks, Gregory!

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Excellent article. It clearly articulates the historic claims of Christianity, and it’s a good rundown of why I do not consider myself a Christian. I accept much of what the creeds reject, and reject much of what the creeds claim.

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That was excellent. Thank you so much for encouraging us to remember what we believe and also to state very clearly what we don’t believe.

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"Teach your children well." Christians have taught their children biblical truths using a variety of catechisms for centuries. Concerning the commands He gave to Moses for Israel, God told Jewish parents to "teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up." Good advice for Christian parents as well. Though we are no longer "under the law," we need to make the teachings of Christ and His apostles an integral and 'natural' part of our children's lives. It's not about what our children learn in Sunday School or in youth group once a week. That does not prepare them for the world they live in or the non-Christian worldviews and ideas they will face as they grow up. It's about "hiding" God's Word in their hearts - "rightly divided." The idea of a 'counter catechism' is a good way of doing that. Our children need to know 'why' they believe 'what' they believe and how to recognize 'error' when they see or hear it. Thank you for a wonderful and thought-provoking article.

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