"We only see Beauty in a partial and distorted way unless we see it as related to Truth and Goodness and see their unity as abiding in God."
This statement brought to mind an article I read a while back about Humming Birds I offer as a physical analogy. We humans and many other species have 3 color receptors in our eye; Red, Blue and Green which allows us to see in color. But, apparently, not fully. Humming birds have a 4th receptor; Ultraviolet! Try to imagine if you could see also in the ultraviolet spectrum. Could this be similar to seeing Beauty? It is said by some that, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" but it must be that to behold that which is transcendent, Beauty,Truth, Goodness etc. must be "seen" by that which is transcendent; the Soul. And, therefore, a soul that is not attuned to the God who Created it, can only see Beauty in part or "skin deep".
This reminds me of Platonic forms (although I have read only little of Plato so if I’m mistaken I ask for grace). For example, that something participates in beauty (the prostitute) but only partially seems to touch on it. For to say it’s partial means that we possess some understanding of the what the whole would be. Christ’s death on the cross participated in a fuller way but not the same way. To see it requires a deeper look.
"We only see Beauty in a partial and distorted way unless we see it as related to Truth and Goodness and see their unity as abiding in God."
This statement brought to mind an article I read a while back about Humming Birds I offer as a physical analogy. We humans and many other species have 3 color receptors in our eye; Red, Blue and Green which allows us to see in color. But, apparently, not fully. Humming birds have a 4th receptor; Ultraviolet! Try to imagine if you could see also in the ultraviolet spectrum. Could this be similar to seeing Beauty? It is said by some that, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" but it must be that to behold that which is transcendent, Beauty,Truth, Goodness etc. must be "seen" by that which is transcendent; the Soul. And, therefore, a soul that is not attuned to the God who Created it, can only see Beauty in part or "skin deep".
This reminds me of Platonic forms (although I have read only little of Plato so if I’m mistaken I ask for grace). For example, that something participates in beauty (the prostitute) but only partially seems to touch on it. For to say it’s partial means that we possess some understanding of the what the whole would be. Christ’s death on the cross participated in a fuller way but not the same way. To see it requires a deeper look.
Love this stuff. Thank you for the essay.