Excellent article! Jesus Christ summed up the Commandments perfectly - Love God with your entire being, and your neighbor as yourself. Objectively speaking, I don't see how anyone could improve on that. Thanks!

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Great apologetic effort. FWIW - What Mr. Harris and his socially like-minded friends don't realize is that the way we're made, psychologically, provides constant evidence of God. The first behavioral block of DNA in all of us is the insatiable proclivity to yearn. We all have a God shaped place in our heart that hurts if it's not filled by Him, but we have the free will to try to make all manner of other things fit in that hole. People can make sense of that - https://christiansoldier21.substack.com/p/the-yearning

That's the reason this article is so good. It aims apologetics in the right direction. I thoroughly enjoy books like Case for Christ and New Evidence That Requires a Verdict, but there is a reason why Mere Christianity tops most of the best seller lists. Apologetics' "pearls of great price" are best found in the shifting sands of the human heart, not in contrasting science or history.

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Interesting...can one be truly "godless"? If you don't believe in the god of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, then you may follow some other "organized religion" which names one or more "god" figures. And if not, I dare say you are your own little "god". This implies "the law of the jungle", a hard and merciless place.

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