Apr 29·edited Apr 29Liked by Chris Reese

Interesting article. As someone who is Pro-Choice, I appreciate the perspective offered. I will just note that I think an unapologetic pushing forward of the considerations in #3 and #4 will just lead to more losses at the poll, because even among the majority of Americans sympathetic to the Pro-Life view, you're going to find most of them hop off the train when it comes "no exceptions" style legislation.

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Apr 19Liked by Chris Reese

Great article. I especially like your comment "no life is negotiable". Could be on a bumper sticker someday.

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Well researched and written. I appreciate your giving a deeper history of the abortion issue than most people know about today. I began covering 'abortion' arguments as a journalist in the 1960s. As an atheist at the time, it was obvious from state arguments that the 'pro-life' position was sorely lacking in its persuasive power. I remember reading and reporting on Justice Blackmun's majority opinion in Roe v. Wade. A part of the opinion stuck out to me then and still does. It became known as "Blackmun's Hole." He wrote - “If this suggestion of personhood is established, the appellant’s case, of course, collapses, for the fetus’ right to life would then be guaranteed specifically by the 14th Amendment.” The 'personhood' of the unborn has been established at many levels - including medically, scientifically, morally, ethically, and of course, biblically. The unborn are 'individual persons' from conception and should be protected by the 14th Amendment. Blackmun was right in writing that particular statement, even though he and the majority made the wrong decision. God, the Creator of life and Ultimate Judge, will make the final decision. Until that day comes, Christians must do better in presenting what is an obvious truth concerning when life and personhood begin. It will take the ability to present a cogent argument (apologetic) with a compassionate heart. Pro-abortion activists have slogans, but they lack sense. They lack logic and facts. That's where Pro-Life can gather strength for the battles ahead. Thank you again for your excellent article.

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The goal should have been abortion dying because it was no longer used, not necessarily its illegality. I’d have rather seen a nation who decried abortion and didn’t participate in it, than a nation who wanted it but could not get it. One deals with the heart, the other with debating in law courts. Unless the hearts of the people are changed, the war is already lost.

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