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Regarding Kant, Hume, and a defense of miracles, I highly recommend Clark Peddicord's new book, Kant (and Hume) against Miracles (https://www.amazon.com/Kant-against-Miracles-Clark-Peddicord/dp/1733349502/). Clark received his doctorate at the Justus Liebig University in Giessen with a dissertation in German on the subject of defending miracles against philosopher Immanuel Kant's criticism (Clark Peddicord: Die Wunderkritik Immanuel Kants. Dissertation, Gießen, 2001, urn:nbn:de:hebis:26-opus-4506 (Volltext). PDF in German at http://geb.uni-giessen.de/geb/volltexte/2001/450/)

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