Fantastic essay. Then again, for Dr. Doug this is just a typical day at work. 😂 Great article!

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This is a timely piece as we enter election season. We must have intellectual integrity if we are going to vote responsibly as good stewards and bright lights in our nation.

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Good point!

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Excellent dissertation on the biblical world view, worthy of the several great thinkers you've cited within it.

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Although I agree with your thesis, I want to suggest that the popular “there are lots of truths” claim is often conflated with a legitimate belief “I am not sure what is true.” Many youths have been raised in American churches with an *overemphasis* on confident inflexible statements, often said very loudly: “The earth is 6000 years old!!” “The rapture will be before the Tribulation!!” “Baptism is by immersion and only for adult believers!!” “The Bible clearly teaches infant baptism!!” “The charismatic gifts have ended!!” A little travel outside one’s belief community should replace the double exclamation points with question marks. This is legitimate.

If I were a seminary professor I might attempt to get the students to distinguish between a popular phrase “many truths” and a humble realization, “I am no longer certain which is true.” Many Christian college students may use the popular first phrase when they mean the second.

Yes, there is Truth. And as you mention, there are also Mysteries. As I’ve matured as a believer, I’ve learned that the Mystery category is larger than I once believed. :-)

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