I have done my studies in apologetics also, as every Christian should, in order to answer the questions in the internet-fed minds of the people around us. Evangelism has changed drastically in the last few decades, and we need to continue to translate the Gospel into something that outsiders can understand. For atheists driven by their a…
I have done my studies in apologetics also, as every Christian should, in order to answer the questions in the internet-fed minds of the people around us. Evangelism has changed drastically in the last few decades, and we need to continue to translate the Gospel into something that outsiders can understand. For atheists driven by their assumptions of science (so-called) that means better science. For the anti-Christian, dismissing God, untried and unresearched, Archeology has yet to provide a single item that counters the biblical narrative. Much of the atheistic bravado is a “Weekend at Bernie's” with their dead and dying ideas.
I have done my studies in apologetics also, as every Christian should, in order to answer the questions in the internet-fed minds of the people around us. Evangelism has changed drastically in the last few decades, and we need to continue to translate the Gospel into something that outsiders can understand. For atheists driven by their assumptions of science (so-called) that means better science. For the anti-Christian, dismissing God, untried and unresearched, Archeology has yet to provide a single item that counters the biblical narrative. Much of the atheistic bravado is a “Weekend at Bernie's” with their dead and dying ideas.