Scientific materialism is a science stopper, and will continue to lead to death and destruction until we wake up. "Science" has become so enslaved to this philosophy that the scientists who espouse a rigid materialism are the new priests of the old religion of the nothing. We came from nothing, we are nothing special and we will eventually return to nothingness.

Despite many taking credit for discovering this "scientific truth", it certainly did not take 20th century science for many in history to come to that unfortunate and deadly worldview. This is an old lie with new words.

I am so thankful to Dr. Meyers for his continued work in showing so clearly the errors of those committed to materialism.

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Materialists/Naturalists/Physicalists (M/N/P) also have their god-of-the-gaps: Pure Chance. For example, in Darwinian theory, it's unpredictable and unrepeatable random mutations that must account for the arrival of the fittest. Obviously, nature can't select anything that doesn't already exist so M/N/P's god-of-the-gaps must be called upon to give us that powerful "scientific" explanation, "It just happened." Seriously, this passes for reason and science? Reason tells us that either the Cosmos or its Creator has always existed while science tells us that it's not the Cosmos. Since nature could not have had a natural cause (not having existed at t=0, I'll put my money on the Creator (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) who revealed Himself in human history up against M/N/P's god-of-the-gaps any day to explain why nature is full of natural discontinuities (from the origin of the universe itself to the origin of life and the natural discontinuities among the higher taxa). Why reject the obvious before any evidence is examined. It's beyond reason.

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