Thank you David for a powerful reminder that life beyond the grave, the death of death, and eternal rejoicing are all wonderful realities of our Christian faith that are found nowhere else. What a blessing to be raised in a family that loved the Lord the way yours did. Your article is powerful because of the personal stories you shared. Three times you found comfort in death not having the final word. There is a resurrection, Jesus led the way, all who place their faith in Him will be raised as he was. Praise be to God!

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So beautifully written. Thank you

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The last 2-3 years of one horrific crisis after another taught me in ways hard to explain that essentially, there's nothing here. Nothing

that can't be removed; nothing that has enduring value.

In the final analysis, isn't it just Yehoshua (Hebrew name for 'Jesus',

which is made up!!, means nothing in terms of the word. ALL names

meant something, not Jesus.) Yehoshua means 'Jehovah IS...Salvation'. Isn't that beautiful?

We're 'loaned' the people in our life, and they must be returned.

Meanwhile we help wherever we can, which is harder than we think.

Knowing what IS helpful, when to do this.

As we 'Walk into the Light', we do leave death behind.

And I'm no stranger to suffering and know there's more to come.

It's OK. The Creator, 'iesous' in Greek is with me.

You'll heal, overcome, go on to wonderful works. People are

hurt, needy, FAILING, giving up!! Let us lift up the standard of LIFE.

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