Thank you all for this contribution to such a tragic ending to RZIM and the legacy. While the victims were not mentioned, I do appreciate the candor and admonishments for maintaining transparency and virtue in all we do as ministers of the Gospel.

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This is a sensitive subject.. but I challenge you to consider the following. Why disband the Teaching? If the work of an Apologist is to spread the Word of God, does that mean we should check to see if what an apologist says actually lines up with the Word of God? And if we were listening to a person and not receiving a Word from God, were we not in the wrong for listening to an opinion and substituting it for the Word of God? And if we are going to judge people on their sin and band “their” teachings, who is actually qualified to teach God’s Word? In my estimation there are so many messages which we are sending and most of them have a self righteousness attitude.. if we are to apply this same judgment to the writers of the Bible, for an example David, and we know what David did.. slept with someone’s wife and had someone’s husband killed... are we then to tear our parts of the Bible?? I’m not saying what Ravi said was the original canon of scripture... but was God speaking through him? And if a man who sinned, were used to write the Bible and teach God’s Word, we as a body, who go against teachings, are declaring a message which is antithetical to the God’s Word! For if we declare, we are all sinners and we say God has raised us up for such a time as this, but some one asked why you were qualified and your answer is, because I didn’t do what I believe Ravi did, which is the implied idiom, no one should dare pic up that microphone again... because their sin is less.. Sin is sin... right??? All of our righteousness is as filthy rags... Right???

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Well said..

I believe they have a different Bible.. coz, the Bible contains text told by adulterers, murderers and even of that of Satan.. am so glad that they didn’t ask for a rewrite of the Holy Bible.

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So sad that this is brought up when Ravi is no longer here to speak for himself.

What did Jesus say to the woman at the well. Or to the woman who was about to be stoned. What did he write on the sand.

There seems to be hidden agendas here snd not just an attack on Ravi.

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