"The very articulation of the Christian worldview may have a weighty apologetic effect, even apart from its philosophical defense."

A fantastic post, thank you so much for putting this together. We agree with the central claim quoted about on how a proper articulation of the Christian worldview can serve as an intellectual witness to the propositional value of Christianity. Unfortunately, however (as the article notes) the vast majority of Christians, even those in apologetics, don't seem to understand how to articulate a sophisticated defense of the Christian position in a way that is compelling to the skeptic. As Blaise Pascal said, the first step in a successful apologetic is to make the faith an attractive proposition, but this is something that we find lacking in a lot of contemporary apologetics.

We'd point to Fr. Thomas Joseph White's "The Light of Christ: An Introduction to Catholicism" as an excellent example of what a weighty articulation of the Christian worldview looks like in an intellectual manner, that can serve to make the faith attractive to intellectually minded skeptics.

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Thanks for the kind words and the reading recommendation!

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